Hooking up your RV to your home sewer system can be as easy as connecting it to the sewer at a campground, depending what your sewer setup on your property is like. This can save you from a trip to dump your tanks elsewhere, or allow you to use your RV restroom while parked on your property.
This task can range from fairly simple and done in less than twenty minutes, to a major installation. Most of the time, it will be an easy task that consumes a small amount of your time to complete.
Hooking up your RV to your sewer at home can be done through your public sewer system access in your yard, by connecting to your private septic tank, or installing an RV sewer tank. Which option you choose will depend on the existing sewer system and its accessibility.

So, the next time your RV is parked at home and you want to connect the sewer for whatever reason, choose one of these methods to get the job done.
Connecting To The Public Sewer System
This method is by far the easiest and involves no installation or modifications, extra equipment, and very little time to complete. To do this, start by double checking that your city allows you to do so.
In some cities this may be illegal, so check with local legislation that you have the okay. Once you do, look for the access port in your yard that connects to the sewer.
This will typically have a cap covering it. Remove the cap and connect your sewer line to the access point, allowing it to freely dump inside.
It is best to make sure that the line goes a deep amount into the access port, ensuring no messes are made. This method will allow you to drain your sewer tanks quickly and easily.
Connecting To A Septic Tank
If your home does not connect to the public sewer system and instead uses a septic tank, you can still easily dump your tanks and connect to it on your property. The process is relatively similar to connecting to the public sewer system.
If your septic tank has an access port already, simply connect your RV’s sewer line to this and ta da, you are ready to go. Septic tanks with an existing access port are very simple and easy to connect to, making this job relatively fast and effortless.
If your septic tank does not have an existing access port, you may have to install one yourself. Installing a four inch wide tube into the septic tank will create a way to dump directly into the tank. Make sure it comes up and out of the tank and to above ground level for easy access and hookup for your RV.

Installing An RV Septic Tank
If the other two methods of connecting to your home’s sewer system are out of the question, there is still hope. Installing an RV septic tank on your property will allow you to hook up to a sewer system without access to a public one or private existing septic tank.
This method is the most costly and involved, so this is only recommended if absolutely necessary. If you can find a way to dump your tanks elsewhere, consider opting for that instead of installing your own RV septic tank.
But if you feel this is the right option for you, don’t give up yet. Installing an RV septic tank does have some benefits, such as increasing home value.
Homes with RV hookups such as sewer, water and power can be resold for more. Many buyers like the idea of full RV hookups on their property, therefore serving as a long term investment.
To install an RV septic tank, you will need to hire a professional to do so. First check with your utility companies to avoid hitting gas, power or water lines when you do the installation as digging will be required, and these can cause some major issues if collided with in the process.
Have a contractor instill the septic holding tank underground. This can be a very involved and costly process, but once it is complete you will simply hook up to it like you would to a campground sewer connection.
In addition to professional installation, you will also need to have a professional maintain the septic tank. This includes emptying it when needed and doing up-keep on the tank.
Alternatives To Sewer Hookups On Your Property
If you do not have access to the public sewer or a septic tank, but do not want to go through all the steps it takes to install one for your RV, consider using a composting toilet. This is a great, eco-friendly and less expensive alternative to installing an entire septic holding tank in your yard.
Composting toilets are relatively simple to use and maintain if you choose to use one in your RV. The way they work is by separating solid and liquid waste into different compartments. Liquid waste can be easily removed from its compartment and disposed of in a safe location.

Solid waste will be broken down by natural materials such as mulch, moss or other substances that assist decomposition. Compost and fan power will help eliminate smells from forming, keeping this an odorless process.
Compost build up can then be added to your outdoor composting pile. This can even be beneficial in your garden and landscaping, serving as fertilizer for plants of all kinds.
Composting toilets are a little bit pricey, but in comparison to installing an RV septic tank, they are definitely the cheaper and simpler option. And they help protect our environment, so it’s a win win.
Installing Full RV Hookups
If you want to go beyond installing sewer and go the full nine, installing electricity, water and a parking space as well, this is also possible. Doing so is relatively easy and can cost you less than $1,000, depending how you go about doing so.
Electricity will have to be professionally installed, given the complexity of the task. This can be completed in about a day and typically ranges from $200-$1,000.
Water can be done on your own if you are pretty handy around your property. Simply attaching a line to an existing water source and running it to where your RV is located will do the trick.
Water hookups can also be professionally installed if needed. This usually costs between $300-$400 and can also be done in one day or less.
Finally, there are a few different options when it comes to creating a parking spot. First, you can create one with gravel. This will outline where you want your RV and provide a designated area that it belongs in.
Pouring cement is also an option, though to look nice this can be a little more involved. You will need to level the cement and make a patch large enough to fit your RV. Once dry, you are ready to go.
Finally, if you have an area of dirt or grass in your yard, you can always park there. As long as you do not mind your RV being on possibly unlevel ground, this option works great as well.

Sheds and garages are great parking spots if you have one available large enough to fit your RV. Hookups can often be set up inside of your shed, along with a concrete or gravel floor.
In Conclusion
There are many benefits of having sewer hookups for your RV at home. Being able to dump your septic tanks, as well as use the RV restroom while parked on your property are just a few, making it a common thing for many RV owners to do.
Connecting an RV to your home’s sewer system is a relatively easy task that can be done in as little as twenty minutes or less. Your home’s sewer system setup will determine how you do so and how involved it will be.
If you have access to the public sewer system through an access point in your yard, and it is legal to dump into, this task won’t take longer than twenty minutes. All you have to do is pop the cap off and bam, you’re good to go.
Septic tanks can be a bit trickier if they do not have an existing access point. If this is the case for you, simply attach a four inch wide tube to your septic tank. This will allow you to easily dump into it from your RV.
If neither of these options will work with your setup, consider having an RV septic tank or composting toilet installed. Though they may be a bit more expensive, this will allow you to have full sewer hookups as well.