In the power systems of your rv, and inverter is a critical piece of equipment for any RV owner to know about. They will allow you to power appliances without the use of a generator, or to be hooked up at a shore power station. Not every RV comes with an inverter pre-installed. However if you have one, and would like to know where it is, they’re usually easy to find.
Your RV’s inverter will most likely be located somewhere that it will be well ventilated. This location will be in a compartment near the battery. There are not many places in your RV that can hold an inverter.

Where Is The Inverter On My RV?
The 120 volt wall outlets in your RV will only be operational if it is connected to shore power, or to a generator. If you don’t have access to either of those, you will have to rely on the 12 volt battery.
Where this is an issue is that the deep cycle battery within the RV is only capable of producing 12 volts of DC power. The beauty of an inverter comes in the fact that it will convert that DC power into AC. Most household electronics run on AC power. With an inverter, you will be able to use these even if you are not hooked up to shore power.
As a generalized rule of thumb, the inverter will be located where the wiring to the battery will be shorter. The shorter length allows for a better connection. The inverter will also be mounted in a location for the wiring won’t make the system inefficient. This, of course, would defeat the purpose of having an inverter at all.
Separate From The Converter
As you might be able to infer from the name, the converter is the opposite of an inverter. The converter transforms AC power into DC power. If you are looking for your inverter, it will not be in the same line as the converter. If your RV has both, placing them in the same place means that the system will be inefficient.
The inverter will be connected to a line starting with the 12-volt DC battery. That line will go back to a breaker, and finish at the main panel. It will have done this after going through the inverter and auto switch.
Near Outlets
Alternatively, your inverter may be located somewhere that it only supplies AC power to a certain number of outlets within the rv. That said, is the inverter will still be situated near the distribution block.

Near The Battery
As you might have already gathered, it is generally good practice to assume that your inverter will be located near the battery. It will almost always be mounted in a location that will minimize the length of cable that will be required to connect to the battery. If you know where the battery is, the inverter will be no more than 10 ft away.
Breaker boxes are part of the reason for this spacing specification. The inverter will additionally need to be connected to a new breaker box. This is much easier to do, of course, when the inverter is next to them.
The 12 volt DC cable length will typically limit the places and inverter can be situated. Usually, wires will be in pre-cut lengths. These lengths cannot be altered.
When you are trying to find your inverter, look for a clean, well ventilated space. If your RV has a basement compartment, especially one located near the front of the trailer, you may have luck locating the inverter there.
Since inverters give off heat, if you were in the process of placing one yourself, do not place it near anything flammable. Inverters give off heat, meaning that this can cause a potential fire.
The inverter is a powerful tool within your RV that converts DC power into ac. AC power will allow you to use most common household appliances without being hooked up to a generator.
If you need to know where your inverter is, look near the battery. 9 times out of 10, it will be near that battery, because it needs to be closely connected to it in order to work properly. In some cases, you may also find it in the basement area of your RV.